Software development life cycle(SDLC)

      Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software development life cycle(SDLC)

"SDLC is the process used by organization to design develop and test quality of software "



In software industries for testing knowledge it is very important to first understand the flow of SDLC it gives detail knowledge of how actually and which different phase are used or follow by origination for development of product.

Software development life cycle without basic concept we can't understand further different process which is very important because each and every phase is connected with other one.

Software development life cycle(SDLC)  is the process used by different origination as per the market demand or basically by client demand decide SDLC follow which model 

SDLC is basically journey of software which is going to be develop. 

Important of Software development life cycle(SDLC)

1.SDLC stands for software life cycle as per name it is life cycle of software to be developed without the life cycle we cant develop a right product as per customer expectation. In origination development team is decide the software life cycle model for software to be developed.

2.SDLC is important because without the right life cycle module team not produce the quality of software with systematic manner.

3.SDLC gives an idea of how the work flow of project is going on and team develop quality software without failure.

There are different models are used which is  implemented by the SDLC/Follow the SDLC.

1.Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is rarely used in now a days.Waterfall model is also know as linear sequential model.Waterfall model not accept the change in request.

Waterfall model every stage has detail documentation.In the waterfall model each stage comes after completing first one and if we come to next phase we cant go back.Release duration of waterfall model is 3 months.


V-Model is a expansion of waterfall model and in v-model every stage is associated with the testing stage.Release duration of V-Model is 3 months.

V-Model every testing stage is with development stage.


BRS is connected with UAT.

SRS is connected with system testing. 

HLD is connected with system and integration testing.

LLD  is connected with component testing.

Coding is is connected with unit testing.

3.RAD Model 

 Full form of RAD is rapid application development as per name application is developed faster in high quality.It is an linear sequential software development process.

There are 5 phases of RAD model like Business modelling, Data modeling ,process modeling ,application generation, testing.

When requirements are undestanting properly and there is no risk or we can say there is low risk then use RAD model.RAD model is flexible and and it reduce the development time.

4.Agile Model

Agile model is know as agile methodologies , agile process.In agile model sprint vise delivery to customer.In agile model customer not wait for long time to receives the product.

Change in the requirement is accepted in middle of testing also it is an flexible model but costly than other models.

In agile all team are work to achieve the one goal.There is meetings are held in the agile like sprint planning meeting,scrum meeting,sprint review meeting,retrospective meeting.

5.Spiral Model

Spiral Model is software development life Cycle Model.This model is provide an systematic approach.It is an spiral type shape in which show an idea where each of iteration of development of software explaining the complete software development process.

Spiral model is complicated model it is difficult in time management.also it is an very expensive than other model.

There are various stages in spiral model like planning ,risk analysis, engineering, etc.

Software development life cycle(SDLC)



Software development life cycle(SDLC) is the framework through which get idea of flow of project how the hole process is done specially design for development of product in origination. 

Software development life cycle consist of different phase

1.Information gathering.

2.SRS Analysis.






1.Information Gathering(BA)

In Software development life cycle information gathering phase is the first phase where software development start.

In this phase BA(business analyst) is going to collect all requirements what actually client want BA Collects this all requirement.

2.SRS Analysis

This document is prepared by BA it consist of it consist of functional requirement to be developed and system requirement to be which every document is detaily explained.

1.Functional requirement .

2.Functional flow diagram.


4.system requirement.


There are two stages in design 

1.High level design.(HLD)

2.Low level design.(LLD)

4. Coding

Coding is comes under white box testing. coding or programming is done by developers in coding there is team of developers who creating program or code for specific product on the bases of requirements.


Software testing is the process of activity to check whether actual result matches with the accepted result or not.

 6.Deployment phase

In the case of UAT, a copy of model of the production environment is created and the customer along with the tester check.

If the application is as per customer  expectation or not then customer gives sign off and give a permission to product go to live.


Maintenance is the last phase in SDLC .when customer start using the developed software then the actual problems comes out and need to be solved from time to time.

Learn more in detail visit  Phase of Software development life cycle(SDLC)

Why need of  Software development life cycle (SDLC)

1.Software development life cycle is need because improve client relation.

2.Increase visibility of project planning to all team members.

3.Also company aim is to produce quality of software that meets customer expectations.

Software development life cycle Team size is decided by considering following two points.

1.Life cycle development (LCD)

2.Life cycle testing (LCT)

To calculate team size formula.

LLD (No of developers) /LCT (No of testers).

In this Software development life cycle(SDLC) we see the phases,need,what is software development life cycle.

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